Tara Juice is a botanical beverage specially for women. It is packed in a portable sachet so that you can taste its deliciousness straight from the pack. This pomegranate-flavoured modern jamu juice helps to elevate a women’s inner wellness and promises to help bring back that unforgettable magic of your first night. Main Benefits of Tara Juice - Tightens and aids a healthier miss V - Reinstate a woman's inner and outer energy - Strengthens your immunisation system and prevents diseases - Eliminate menstrual cramps and helps to regulate menstrual cycles (especially for younger women) - Helps in attaining translucent and youthful skin - Eliminates excessive white discharge - Balances a women's hormonal system and encourages smooth bloodflow - Gets rid of bacteria/fungus and strengthens vaginal muscles Tara Juice can be consumed by breastfeeding mummies, those who has gone through puberty, single ladies, postpartum mummies